Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hey Good Lookin'

What do I have cooking?

Well, for dinner last night I tried something new. I made chicken shawarma, a really delicious Lebanese dish. It turned out pretty good. I served it with sauteed onions and red bell pepper, couscous, and roasted eggplant. With a hummus appetizer. And strawberry shortcake for dessert.



Jen aka Evilynmo said...

You are quite a cook! Do you make indian and thai food too? If you do then I might just have to become your best friend =)

Dawn said...

I have a couple of Thai dishes that I love to make, but so far no Indian.

I love to cook and try new recipes. It's very relaxing for me to putter in the kitchen and come out with something to share with the people I love. I used to be a really great cook (I know that sounds immodest, but it's true. It's easy to be good at the things you love.) Unfortunately, since having kids I don't have the time to cook the way I like to. It's just a matter of what can I get on the table by the time Scott gets home from work.