Friday, June 22, 2007

Guitar Town

Scott's shows at Swallow at the Hollow went well. He was great. Mike, who sat in with him on the second set, was great. The room was great. The It was a restaurant crowd with two parties of 30 people. A little noisy for an acoustic singer-songwriter.

Still, I think we got a few new fans on board with us and we learned a thing or two. At least I did.

I'm looking forward to booking a few more shows and trying to streamline our game a little. Overall, though, I'm pleased with how the performances have gone and where Scott is in the process. After just a few shows, he fell back into performing like a duck into water and seems as comfortable as one can be onstage.

Hopefully, Scott will put up the recording of the show on his site in a few days. If so, I'll link it if anyone wants to hear.


rennratt said...

Please add me to the list of people that want to hear the show.

Chach, Nooze and I were at a Borders in Cary, NC last night. There was an acoustic guitar player - and for a minute, I wondered if it was your husband!

Then I figured if it WAS him, you would have given us NCers a heads up...

Jen aka Evilynmo said...

I can't wait to here the infamous and I am sure awesome musice your huz is making =)

Jeremy said...

We thought Scott did a great job with that crew. Nathan currently has Scott ranked third behind Paul McCartney & Arctic Monkeys re. the music thing.

Anyhoo, we had fun. 6 thumbs up from Nathan, Teresa & me.

MiriyaB said...

Just watched some of the video of Scott & Mike (from the first night's gig?) tonight -- wish I could have still been there with y'all!

Nice pic on the post -- thanks for putting it up!

Love ya!