Monday, January 7, 2008

Something to Look Forward To

Okay. So I've done most of the items on the Messies Flight Plan for Fledglings. I haven't eaten yet, but I've knocked out the other basics on the list. I'm about to get up and start laundry and then make breakfast for myself and the boys.

I've also discovered another tool that I'll be using in my fight against chaos. It's the BusyBodyBook Personal and Family Organizer. It's designed by a mom – Joan Goldner – for other moms. I spoke with Joan via e-mail and she's sending me one to try out and report back on. In the meantime, I have downloaded January's weekly grids (the book offers much more than just a calendar system, but I'll save those details until I have the book in hand). I am going to use those to plan my week and hopefully, like that, become instantly more efficient just by having a written compilation of all I want and need to accomplish.


Suz said...

Go girl! This morning (pursuant to a resolution) I made a few phone calls instead of my usual spineless e-mail tactic. It totally paid off: I talked with a potential employer and am meeting him Friday afternoon!

Think: outcomes!! Congrats..

Mimi said...

Oooh ... I love anything to do with getting organized. It's like flow-chart porn ... it's a dream of perfection I'll never attain, but I just keep trying. Please let me know if you become instantly more efficient!

Anonymous said...

Flow-chart porn--I understand that completely! I get the same feeling when I go to The Container Store or walk down the Rubbermaid aisle in Wal-mart. I get warm all over when I think about everything having its own container and spot. I think my obsession with being organized started in grade school. I always loved buying school supplies and vowed to keep all 64 Crayons sharpened and in the box!

rennratt said...

Have you ever tried Fly Lady?

I love the idea of being organized, I just can't seem to 'get off my duff and do something'.

I'm not familiar with either link; I'm off to take a look!

Anonymous said...

I heart FlyLady. I did though go and read the site you had posted and it sounds a lot a like.
The thing that I like though is that it gives me 10 minute intervals which is great for someone like myself. I get overwhelmed with clutter easily. It has helped me get it sorted down.