Sunday, June 22, 2008

Look Out Cleveland

Apropos of nothing, I thought I'd let those of y'all in the ATL know about a couple of my honey's upcoming gigs.

He'll be playing at Kavarna in Decatur/Oakhurst on July 12. This should be a great show. It's part of the Atlanta Songwriters' Showcase and he'll be playing with Jim Combs, Eudora June, and Moses Atwood.

He's also playing at a very new, very cool space called Underneath on July 26. Underneath is a listening room built and run by the guitarist for the band Vortex Park. It's the ideal place for acoustic music... seats 32, professional light and sound, stage. And for the guests, your ticket price includes beer and wine. Oh yeah. Good times, y'all!

Seriously, though, you might not be able to find a more intimate venue in this town short of a friend's living room. If you enjoy good music and you believe in supporting local music, I strongly encourage you to come to this show. You can get your tickets here.

And, my beloved loyal readers, you'll get to meet me! How cool would that be?

Oh yeah! And if you are one of my deeply appreciated and loyal readers and you're not in Atlanta, please pass this on to your music lovin' friends who do reside here and encourage them to come.


GypsiAdventure said...

Sounds like a good time...I'm sad I don't live closer!

rennratt said...

I'm a good 8 hours northeast...ish.

How far are you from Dalton?