Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Day: A New Year, A Few New Things

Happy 2011 Y'all! Five days in, it hardly seems right to say "Happy New Year," the way the years fly by now!

I wrote a curmudgeonly post a few days ago all about how I had no hope for the new year. (I chose note to post it.) Surprising since the final days of 2010 weren't bad at all. My mother-in-law had our boys for a few days and Scott and I partied like rock stars, going out every night until the wee, wee hours and then sleeping in the next day. I even met a few cool people on New Year's Eve and had several drunk very nice people guess that I was in my 20s or early 30s. How cool is that?

Still, I felt very negative the first few days of this new year and still do about some things, but right now I feel pretty good about writing and want to be writing. I also don't want to be guilty of adding more negativity to the Universe, so I'm trying hard to keep those thoughts to myself.

To that end, I decided to post this yummy Cream of Potato and Turnip soup recipe I created last week. It was delicious and the perfect thing to keep January's chills and darkness at bay. Hope you enjoy it!

Cream of Potato and Turnip Soup
1 large Irish potato
1 medium to large turnip
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 stick butter, plus a dab
4 - 5 Tablespoons flour
32 oz. chicken stock, broth, veggie broth or water
2 cups milk
1/2 cup cream
1 stem rosemary
Salt to taste

Peel then dice your potato and turnip. Place in pot and cover with broth or water. You can also place into a steamer basket and steam them. I find boiling them in broth adds a layer of richness to the soup that I enjoy.

Boil potato and turnip until tender. Remove from heat to a clean bowl. Add dab of butter and minced garlic along with salt to taste. Mash to your desired consistency.  I prefer mine kind of chunky, but if you want a super creamy soup with no lumps, you can whip them with a hand mixer.

Rinse and dry the pan you just used (for no other particular reason than conserving pots and pans). Place butter in pan and melt, once butter is melted begin to gradually add flour, whisking as you go along. If it seems too dry, you can add more butter. (Also, note, some folks prefer to make a roux with oil. It can be made with any melted fat, but I prefer the taste of butter.)

As your roux thickens, gradually add the milk, whisking constantly. Next, add in the mashed potato, turnip, garlic mixture and stir it in. I also add a bit of salt, here, too. If it seems too thick, you can gradually add a bit of milk. Float rosemary (the whole stem) on top of soup, reduce heat to low and allow to simmer for about 5 min.

Remove rosemary. Stir in cream and serve.

Sadly, I forgot to take a photograph of my soup, but I can assure you it tasted great!

If you try this recipe, let me know your thoughts. I'd love to see how you like it.

Happy Cooking!


Kate Lewis said...

Holy Cow! This looks so good! What's not to like about potatoes, cream and rosemary!
Glad you are feeling more positive about 2011!

Dawn said...

Thanks, Kate!

I forgot to add that while the soup is simmering with the rosemary, it should be covered so the rosemary can do it's thing to infuse the soup.

Wendy said...

Yum. I'm going to make this.