Monday, February 23, 2015

Joy to the World: Winning the Fight Against PMDD

I've never held back on my blog from talking about my struggles with depression. Recently I learned that what I've had the last few or maybe several years since having my second child isn't exactly clinical depression, but rather its hormonally-induced cousin, PMDD. 

Over the course of the last year, since I changed my diet, really committed to physical fitness, and started enhancing my health by using Young Living Essential Oils, I've come close to conquering this beast. Sometimes she rears her ugly head and I have to regroup and think about which aspect of my holistic treatment is lacking, but I've mostly managed to keep this PMDD in check. Now that I've put this protocol into practice for over a year, I feel confident in sharing it with any other women fighting this battle.

I really want you to learn about the particular "protocol" I'm using now because it has really changed my life and continues to help me every day. Plus, I'm treating myself without the worries of the dangerous side-effects associated with antidepressants

It's actually pretty simple. The first thing I did was change my diet. Last January, I began a low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet, also known as a ketogenic diet. This concept runs contrary to popular medical wisdom which advocates a diet high in "complex" carbohydrates, with very low fat and moderate protein levels. A diet that fails most people miserably, leaving them hungry and grouchy. There is a lot of new research that shows there is no link between saturated fat and heart-disease.  Don't forget that the brain requires fat and cholesterol to function properly. If you're already cloudy from the effects of PMDD on the brain, you need to be eating a diet that provides the nutrition you need to function properly. The benefits of giving up sugar have surpassed what I hoped for and I was surprised by how quickly the cravings for it passed. I can't say I never look at a milkshake and think, "Gee that looks delicious!". It's just that I'm able to resist it now, even in all my PMS/PMDD glory. Cutting out sugar really was the first step in eliminating the need to "comfort eat" my way through one week out of every month.

Now, hand-in-hand with diet goes exercise. I have become a big advocate of strength training for women. First and foremost, it provides a terrific outlet for stress release. Take your anxiety and irrational anger and all your frustrations, leave them on the gym floor in a pool of sweat, and don't look back. I can wake up thinking I can't work out because I feel so miserable and sad and tired and life sucks, but every single time I make myself go to the gym and do a workout, I walk out feeling like I have slain a dragon. You don't have to start lifting heavy weights. Shoot, you don't have to lift weights. Go for a walk. Go for a run. Just get moving in some way that burns up the stress and anger you're feeling. I know you feel overwhelmed and don't think you have time, but you have two choices. I know from PMDD. I know you can't concentrate on your to-do list anyway. So you might as well take 30 minutes or an hour and throw down a little yoga or lift a few weights or walk the dog while you're outside soaking up the sunshine. Physical activity helps reduce tension and stress and can dissipate Cortisol levels which affect the body's ability to regulate the balance of Progesterone and Estrogen. 

In addition to using exercise to help battle stress and tension, both in general and related to PMDD, I have also begun taking a Young Living Supplement called Women's Cortistop which is formulated to help reduce Cortisol levels.
It really is hard to pinpoint what the most important aspect of my PMDD Protocol has been because every aspect has had a distinct and important impact on my health and well-being. However, I think the use of two specific Young Living Essential Oils has made a dramatic difference for me...the kind of difference I can feel if I stop using either oil for more than a day or two.

The first of these oils, Progessence Plus, has the most direct relationship to female hormone production and health. It is a natural bioidentical progesterone oil that helps restore a woman's natural hormonal balance without many of the dangerous side effects of synthetic hormonal treatments. It is vital, however, that you only use a pure therapeutic grade oil when using a progesterone, or any other type of aromatherapy or essential oil. The difference in my premenstrual emotional state before and after starting on Progessence Plus is, for lack of a less clichéd descriptor, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Before I began using Progessence Plus, I experienced horrible mood swings, intense anger, uncontrollable crying jags, exhaustion, and deep anxiety that left me unable to think or concentrate on anything important. These intense mood swings showed up exactly one week before my period and would vanish as quickly the day Aunt Flo came to town. Then I'd enjoy a week with some physical discomfort as I tried to pick up the pieces scattered during the emotional thunderstorms that blew through the previous week, followed by two weeks of feeling awesome! 

The second oil really has been almost as much of a life changer as Progessence Plus. It is actually a blend of several oils called Joy. The name says it all. I wear Joy daily. It has replaced my perfume, which I loved, but which was made with synthetic fragrance and other harsh chemicals. No wonder so many people get headaches from perfumes! Joy has such a delightful, uplifting aroma. I wear it daily over my heart and sometimes on my wrists or neck. Any that is left on my hands after I apply gets brushed through my hair. Each time I smell it, I get a little rush of happiness. And I've noticed that it seems to make those around me who smell it happy, too. Plus, I get a ton of compliments whenever I wear it. If I have a day when I notice I'm starting to feel a little down, I just pull out the Joy and take a whiff or apply a drop over my heart. It really is joy in a bottle and my secret weapon against depression.

If you're fighting the good fight against PMDD or even just PMS and want more information about any of the Young Living products or have questions about my diet and exercise routines, please feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment. I would love to chat with you and introduce you to healthy, all natural alternatives to prescripton and over-the-counter drugs that can help you win this war.

In health and prosperity!


JenMP said...

I am so glad I found this blog! I have been struggling with PMDD, knowingly for the past few years, and unknowingly for the majority of my young adult life... Maybe even since my teenage years. I haven't used anti depressants since they scare the crap out of me but I'm on a progesterone type birth control. I know you're not a doctor but you've clearly done your research. Do you think that a non-progesterone type birth control would be able to work well with progessence plus? Or what do you personally use for birth control? I need something near fool proof since my husband and I are nowhere ready to have children, but I desperately need to find natural alternatives to taming what I have recently started calling "the Hulk". I'm tired of rage consuming every part of me and I'm ready to start feeling happy for the first time in a long time.

Dawn said...

Jen, I'm so sorry that I didn't see your comment for two months. I took some time away from my blog and when I checked in today I saw your comment. I hope you get to see this.

I use an IUD for birth control because I've always been very sensitive to the pill. They basically make me crazy. Before having kids I used a diaphragm.

I was skeptical of essential oils before I tried them, but I honestly have been 100% converted. I have my "happy regimen." I kind of went off it the last several months because we had moved and getting resettled just threw me off my routines. And since moving is so expensive, I was trying to save money and cut back on some of my oil purchases. It came to a head the last few weeks when I was feeling really low so I went back on my regimen, including Progessence Plus. I also added a Prenolone cream.

I'd love for you to check out Dr. Dan Purser. He is an expert on hormones and he actually has worked with Young Living on developing some of their bioidentical products. Here's a link to his Facebook page with links to videos on different hormones and how they affect you. You'll find a lot of great information there.

As far as my daily regimen for maintaining happiness and more balanced emotions (and it works...I resumed it two weeks ago and I'm a different person), I use Joy over my heart and wear it as my perfume. It has a beautiful aroma and works to uplift your spirit. When I start to feel stressed, I add Stress Away or Peace & Calming oil to my neck and temples. I also diffuse a blend of Stress Away, Peppermint, and Lemon or Citrus Fresh oil. This creates a really nice invigorating scent that keeps you alert and happy. I also have a couple of other oils I use when I pray and meditate, including one called Gratitude. It works best when I use them consistently vs. scattershot.

If you want to learn more or order the Progessence Plus to try it out, please feel free to e-mail me dsdcreate (at) gmail (dot)com.

I know it's hard to find the right birth control and manage hormones. I'm happy to help however I can. : )

Jen Hoover Brady said...

Thank you!!! I'm really not wanting to go the med route for this., but PMDD is all but runing me... Thank you! Going to make some changes stat.