Friday, January 4, 2008


If you're a parent in the ATL looking for something fun to do with your toddler or a cool class for your preschooler-or-older kiddo, check out Two Crafty Chicks, a neighborhood art studio for wee ones. Actually, not just the wee ones, but the angsty teenage ones as well. TCC offer classes and activities, including on-site birthday parties for kids ages 2 to Teen and even have "Moms' Night Out" sessions. The preschool-and-up classes are two-hour drop-off sessions that cost $15. That's cheaper than any babysitter and you know your kid is doing something fun and creative while you're getting your errands taken care of. Quietly. And you may just end up with a cool new picture frame out of the deal. Cool.

1 comment:

A. said...

I know someone who knows one of the "chicks;" she says they are really nice people.