Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Home for the Holidays: December's Perfect Post

In my mind, I've always created visions of how I want things to be or ideals of situations. Essentially daydreams of how I wish life could be, I guess.

For me, the perfect Christmas is all about being with family – not some rushed and hurried let's-get-to-the-presents dash through dinner, open the presents, and everyone go their separate ways, but rather two or three days spent together, cooking, sharing stories in a warm kitchen over coffee. Nights cuddled in front of a fireplace singing along to carols and laughing at memories of Christmases past. Quiet, intimate moments with the person I love most in the world that turn into treasured memories.

A few days ago, I stumbled onto Mimi on the Breach, another Mommy Blog and I read this post. Mimi describes beautiful, shining moments from her Christmas with her family – moments with her husband and daughter, with her husband's parents. She talks about cooking and listening to carols, and the picture she paints is so warm and bright and beautiful that as I read, I found myself transported. It was as if I were there in the kitchen with her and her husband. I could feel the warmth off the oven and smell the sage and rosemary. And I could feel the love and joy she was experiencing. I was moved to tears of joy for this complete stranger and intensely impressed by her ability to describe her experience in such vivid detail.

Mimi on the Breach wins my vote for December's Perfect Post with her post, Christmas Goodies. Beautiful, heartfelt writing.

You can check out the entire list of Perfect Post winners either at Suburban Turmoil or Petroville.


Mimi said...

Dawn -- thank you so much for the award! I've never been honoured with a perfect post before, and it really means a lot to me. Thank you. I'm so glad you liked the post: your reading of it is exactly what I was trying to convey. It was truly a wonderful Christmas, just what I've always wanted, and I'm glad you could share it digitally with me.

I'm just starting to read back through your archives ... I look forward to getting to know you.

Dawn said...

You're very welcome and I'm simply glad you shared your experience.

As far as reading my archives go, I fear the words whiny bitch will be on your lips as you get to know me. So much to be happy about and all this Belle chick does is complain.

This is my constant fear of anyone reading my blog, yet, I am compelled to write honestly about what I'm experiencing. Hopefully, it all works out in the end.

Thanks for stopping by.