Friday, May 9, 2008

Hold On

What a random day I've had.

When I got up this morning I was overwhelmingly sad about all the conflict I've been having with Brendan lately. Is five the new two? I have spoken with some of the other moms of kids in his class and they all seem to be dealing with similar issues.

I went online and did some reading and came up with some new ideas for how to handle some of the stuff we're dealing with. I decided that I am not going to turn this food thing into a huge battle. I love the ideas that Jen and Just Me suggested. We've actually been saving his dinner and telling him he can have that, but he whines and cries and many a night, I forget to save it and throw it out, but at least we're getting better at it.

Anyway, I was just starting to think I could get a handle on this stuff when I got a call from Brendan's school saying he was sick and I should come get him. When I got there, he was sobbing because his stomach hurt and he could barely walk. I had to ask another parent to carry Beckett back out to the car while I carried Brendan. All I could think was appendicitis.

I went to the pediatrician's office which is two minutes away, but they were at lunch and I had to wait 30 min. for their return. By the time the pediatrician got there, he didn't hurt anymore. After examining him, she guessed either a colon spasm, but felt like he didn't have the right combination of symptoms or issues; or kidney stones, but again, not the right list of other complaints.

We spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch reading books and watching TV and playing Matchbox cars and Bionicles. It was the most pleasant afternoon we've had in a few weeks because I wasn't trying to juggle kids, chores, work, cooking dinner, etc. I opted for a very easy dinner of steak, baked potatoes, and oven roasted veggies and encouraged the boys to play with their cars in the kitchen while I cooked.

I had loaded the dishwasher with the day's accumulation of dishes plus the leftover pans from last night's baking adventures and started running it only to look over and see a couple of sippy cups that needed washing. So, I opened the door to the dishwasher which is supposed to stop running when the door is opened. Only that didn't happen. It kept running and I got quite a good splashing. Of course, because it was spraying, I couldn't get the drawer to slide back in and get the door closed. It took me several seconds to think to turn it off. By then, I was soaked from the knees down and quite damp every where else and the floor was covered in water. Fortunately, at that point the boys were playing elsewhere.

Any other day, I would have freaked out and been really pissed off. But today.... Today, it just made me laugh. Maybe because I was so relieved Brendan wasn't seriously ill. Maybe because I was actively trying to be patient and not let anything bother me. Maybe because I kept imagining what it must have looked like from another perspective.

Who knows? I guess it doesn't really matter. I've lived to fight another day as they say. Or preferably, not fight, but enjoy the day and those around me.

I can't help but wonder if the last few weeks have seemed so god-awful because I stopped taking the antidepressant I was on for ppd. I don't want to be someone who can't function without a pill. I don't think it's wrong if that's what you need. It just makes me sad to think of having to live that way. I want to be able to manage on my own, to learn how to control my own emotions without being numbed to them.

Whatever the case may be, it felt nice to manage today. To turn it around and feel like I could make a change.Hold


Cyn said...

I used to be on Lexapro, so I understand. I think the same way that you do.

I think some days when you have a succession of bad or things that aren't that pleasant happen to you, I think the best way to cure it and center yourself again is to laugh (or scream).

I don't have two kids, so many props to you!

Cyn said...

I used to be on Lexapro, so I understand. I think the same way that you do.

I think some days when you have a succession of bad or things that aren't that pleasant happen to you, I think the best way to cure it and center yourself again is to laugh (or scream).

I don't have two kids, so many props to you!

Just Me said...

I was at a point that I almost had to go on a pill right after the time I had my son. I, too, understand how you feel. It was hard because I felt that I should be able to handle everything but we can't always handle it all. Kids can make it harder too. But as mothers, we have to do what we have to do for ourselves and our kids. Stay Strong and keep us updated on the food situation :)

Aleta said...

One of my good friends went through a depression after her daughter was born. She had a son a few years after.. a marriage that isn't the happiest and a job that is stressful. I wonder how she manages and she is on anti-depressants but that's more for hormone replacement.

I think there needs to be another solution to the Super Woman syndrome, other than pills. But when the pills are needed, to take them.

One thing I definitely believe, we need to start asking for help, not from professionals, but from our family.

Aleta said...

By the way, I think it's GREAT that you laughed about the dishwasher. Anyone who experienced that could have easily become angry and upset. It's better to laugh about it, but that's easier said than done. So, KUDOS TO YOU!!!

Just Me said...

Aleta, I agree with you that we have to ask for help. Two things have helped me, which may sound wierd :), but were the books "The Secret" and "The New Earth". The New Earth speaks about playing roles and one role that I play is of "mother and wife". The book made me realize that I cannot be everything to everybody. Things do not have to be done right then. It is Ok to say no to the children, or my parents, or friends when I know what they are asking will require me to put too much on my plate. My husband used to stay late at work and work out most nights of the week. I would come home from work, immediately take the kids to dance until 7pm, come home and feed them and do homework..I was going until 9:30 and was drained by the end of the evening (mad and tired:)). It was like that all week and I never asked for help. I assumed he should know to come home and help but how was he to know if I never said anything. After reading the book, I asked for help and let him know that it was just too much for me so now he is home 2 or 3 times a week and helps.

So you are right, we have to ask ask and not assume that others know.