Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Like a Virgin

Well, after several months of not blogging, not writing very much of anything that wasn't a marketing brochure or magazine article, I'm back.

Not sure if anyone gives a damn. But I'm back. I want to write for me, about things I care about and I've decided to commit to it.

I've been thinking about it for a while now, missing this part of who I am. This past weekend Scott (my husband, if you're just joining us.) and I were in NYC for a friend's wedding and I had the chance to see several dear friends that I rarely see or talk with anymore. Two of them asked about my blog, and one, Chris, had some really great feedback for me on my writing. I chose to take those interactions as signs that I need to be writing this blog and that I need to focus on the issues of parenting and married life and my passions that are truly near and dear to my heart.

So, now, it's off to a meeting for Kindergarten parents about the Cub Scouts.

See you tomorrow. I promise.


lisahgolden said...

Yay! And I promise to be here when you write. I love the rss feed for that.

GypsiAdventure said...

Welcome Back!! I've missed your writings and yes, I whole heartedly agree with you that people should write about whats near and dear to their hearts. I started that way, wondered off a bit and am finding my way back.

I hope you have a wonderful week and I can't wait to see what you have to say!!

Jeremy said...


Suz said...

I'm so glad you're back! I'd been checking obsessively, and of course the first few days I miss, you blog 3 or 4 times. Wow.

Cranky Mommy said...

I'm glad you're back.